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Accelerated app delivery

Accelerate application delivery across clouds

Drive business agility by accelerating your ability to develop, operate, and optimize any app on any cloud, at scale.

Application-aware strategy has become critical for businesses

Application development and delivery fuel today’s modern businesses and drive the adoption of modern technology, open source software, multi-cloud operating models, and modern practices that are changing the culture of enterprise IT.

While these new technologies are powerful, adopting and integrating them into an enterprise IT environment introduces new challenges and considerations.

How do we reduce the cognitive load of tools and processes for our developers?

How do we improve security and compliance without slowing down delivery?

How do we scale our Kubernetes and our apps without downtime?

How can we optimize the cost, performance, and security of our apps?

Many tools, many teams, many objects, and fast-moving changes equals high complexity

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A vast ecosystem of tools to choose from

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Many teams seeking a shared understanding of the work they do across clouds, VMs, clusters, and containers

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Hundreds or thousands of pipelines deploying code to multiple environments

A common cloud native app and data platform

Standards-based “golden paths” anchored by real-time map of apps and operated by platform engineering

Collaborate seamlessly across disciplines such as development and operations in a multi-cloud environment. Easily deploy, manage and scale applications across any infrastructure using effective methods and reusable patterns. Continuously deploy applications while separating the application runtime from the underlying infrastructure. Constantly improve cost efficiency, performance and security.

Tanzu diagram

VMware Tanzu creates a shared space for application development, platform engineering, security, cloud ops and FinOps, anchored to a common platform across your multi-cloud environment.


App developers can get started quickly with intrinsically secure golden paths to production and app accelerators.

Time to market in
days versus months

Code contribution
on the first day

Secure by design

  • Easy onboarding with curated app accelerators and APIs on Backstage
  • Fast secure builds and access to OSS packages with VMware Tanzu Application Catalog
  • Automated creation of Kubernetes/infra manifests and enforcement of corporate guardrails
  • Accelerated delivery with API and portal access to app security, cost, and performance
  • One-touch apps, environments, and live debugging from IDE
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“We partnered with VMware because it has all the solutions we need to really make the developer experience better right out of the box.”

Ganesh Venkataraman, Chief Technology Officer of Digital Transformation, Fiserv


Manage your applications on any Kubernetes across your entire cloud estate seamlessly through a central platform.

3-5x faster time to value with efficiency gains

58% reduction in app response time

Decreased number of security risks in production

  • Centralized lifecycle of cloud resources, containers, data services, and applications
  • App deployments across clouds, regions, and datacenters
  • Abstract workload placement across resources and clusters for scale and resiliency
  • Protected apps and APIs with enforced policies across resources and connectivity
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“Embracing new technology and changing our processes enabled us to adapt fast. And VMware solutions have improved efficiencies and given us a solid roadmap for scaling up in the future.”

Vishwas Chitale, CEO & CTO, Chitale Dairy


Benefit from continuous improvement and a closed loop system of optimization for cost, performance, and security.

30% productivity improvement

70-80% lower
overall admin costs

93% reduction in
unplanned downtime

  • Observability for apps and infrastructure, traced transactions and insights across cloud and infra services
  • Assured service level objectives (SLOs), optimized capacity, cost and performance
  • Continuously enforced security posture for clouds, platforms, and apps
  • Improved cost and resource utilization with informed architecture decisions
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“Keeping pace with rapid digital innovation isn’t easy. VMware empowers us to respond quickly and stay in control.”

Johan Marais, Senior Platform Services Manager, Discovery Holdings

Accelerate app delivery with platform engineering

To achieve your application acceleration goals, you'll need more than a platform. Platform engineering is a key component of delivering apps to production at scale securely across your cloud estate. VMware Tanzu Labs works side by side with you to impart platform engineering skills and teaches your teams to treat your platform like a product. Together we'll tackle your biggest app modernization challenges and build an ever evolving stable and secure platform to support software agility.


Get up and running quickly and reduce your time to value.


Build out platform capabilities and modernize applications to speed innovation.


Evolve platform engineering practices and treat your platform like a product.

Talk to an expert

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